Let's Talk About PPD

Depression affects at least 10-15 % of women after childbirth in Singapore. Postnatal depression is regarded seriously by medical health professionals and is upsetting not only to the women suffering from it but to their families as well. Here, we interview Tina George, a psychologist and Red Miller, a midwife, about dealing with PPD. We also have real stories from women who went through it.
"The sooner you get help, the quicker the recovery process will be. You’re not weak or incapable if you seek help. It’s the opposite – you’ve recognised a problem, and you’re taking steps to address it."
Click here to read the full interview with Tina.
"It is important to recognize that PPD can come out of nowhere. The most together, most supported, most relaxed and joyful woman can also spiral into PPD just like anyone else. There are no specific ‘types’ for PPD and it is much more common then we think."
Click here to read the full interview with Red.
"I convinced myself to accept that I am not a faultless human being, and to let go of the perfect mom ideal. I realised I was trying to meet my baby’s needs at the expense of my own. So I started allowing myself to recognise, and have, my own needs."
Click here to read Shwu Huey's story.
"Being able to talk openly about how you’re feeling is so important. You might feel that everyone else is coping much better than you but once the babies get older and you discussed the early months, it becomes clear that everyone was struggling in their own way."
Click here to read Leanne's story.
"One night when things were looking very bleak, I asked for advice on one of the online mother support groups. I was introduced to a therapist, we spoke on the phone and eventually I met her in person. I am so thankful to God for making me see the light and for allowing me to meet this blessed soul."
Click here to read Sumathi's story.