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Find the Wild Child in Your Child
By Claire Seabrook The wild world isn’t on our doorsteps anymore, and I’m not talking about the local manicured park which inspires...

Nurturing Emotionally Intelligent Children
By Aminah Abdul Latif As soon as I became a homeschooling mum, I started to conscientiously think of strategies to foster all areas of my...

Teaching Without Teaching
By Yong Caiwen Once, at a parent-teacher conference, I met a pair of lovely parents who came well-prepared with a presentation of their...

Rethinking Pre-Schools
By Stephanie The past decade has seen the mushrooming of childcare and enrichment centres promising to hothouse our children into the...

Are You Ready for Pre-School?
By Shumei Many pre-schools in Singapore start accepting children from between 18 months old to 2 years old. While times have changed and...

How We Homeschool
By Aminah Abdul Latif After being in the preschool industry for a decade, I questioned myself, “I spend so much time and effort educating...

My Child Cannot Read!
By Jackie Li As a paediatric speech language therapist who works exclusively with children under 7, I meet many, many parents in the...

Take Me Outside
By Shumei Children learn both indoors and outdoors, but parents are often fearful of allowing their children to play outside the house at...
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